The liver is the second-largest organ in the body, highlighting its significance, and one of its key jobs is to drain out poisons that may be detrimental to humans. In addition, the liver processes food, produces bile, aids in controlling blood sugar levels, among many other functions.
By assisting in keeping the bloodstream clean so that nutrients may be carried throughout the body, Liver Klenn helps to preserve the health of your liver. Given that the liver controls almost 500 body processes, it is crucial to always take care of it. Natural components in our solution, like artichoke leaf extract, assist lower fat and cholesterol in the liver while enhancing the detoxifying effects.
Additionally, it contains Milk Thistle, a herb that has been used for more than 2,000 years to treat liver issues. Milk Thistle works to reduce liver inflammation, regenerate liver tissue, and protect liver cells from harm by serving as an antioxidant. The enzyme Lipase is present in liver klenn, which enables your body to better absorb fats from diet and control the amount of triglycerides in your blood.
Because of its choleretic, cholesterol-lowering, antiseptic, antiemetic, and spasmolytic qualities, artichoke leaf extract is a promising phytotherapeutic choice. The outstanding antioxidant and protective effect on liver cells.
A common plant used to treat a number of ailments is milk thistle. It is frequently used to treat liver issues, and patients with this kind of sickness report outstanding health outcomes. Additionally, it is said to have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.
One of the main ingredients in Higa-Forte's formula is Silymarin (Silybum marianum). It is also known as Milk Thistle, is an herb that is well-documented in early traditional herbal medicine. Studies abroad and in the U.S. have indicated that constituents in Silymarin may help to support healthy liver function.
Supplement facts:
Other ingredients: vegetable cellulose, medium chain triglycerides and maltodexin.
Suggested use
3 capsules daily preferably with meals or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Disclaimer: Statements made on this site about this and other products have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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